Jen Laws, President & CEO Jen Laws, President & CEO

DEA Proposed Rules Risk Harming Access to Care

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has held certain relaxed or waived rules regarding prescribing of controlled substances. On January 30th, President Biden announced his administration would end the public health emergency (PHE) declaration related to COVID-19 in May of 2023, after one, last renewal in February. Part of what’s being called an “unwinding” of the PHE includes returning to “normal” operations for executive entities like the DEA. But times have changed dramatically in terms of healthcare access since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, most notably around the issue of telehealth. Thus, on February 24th, the DEA announced two proposed rules regarding permanent telehealth access and prescribing related to controlled substances.

The DEA’s controlled substances list is…controversial, to say the least. The five category list includes those which the agency has deemed to have the “potential for abuse or dependency” characterization. Schedule “V” (five) having a “low” potential for abuse relative to other levels and having sufficient medical value, resulting in quantity limits but, typically, not more than that in terms of regulatory impact. These medications include certain cough medicines and an anti-diarrheal medication, among others. Schedule “I” (one) substances as having been deemed to have “no” medicinal value, a high potential for abuse, and a lack of accepted safety for use even under medical supervision. These substances include marijuana, “ecstasy”, LSD, and peyote. In between these, you’ll find certain pain killers, treatment for attention deficit disorder (ADD), anabolic steroids, and medications used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). The DEA’s proposed telehealth rules (here and here) would allow for a provider who has never conducted an in-person assessment of a patient to only prescribe up to a 30-day supply of schedule III-V non-narcotic medications and a 30-day supply of buprenorphine. In order to get a refill or maintain treatment, a patient would have to then arrange for an in-person assessment. For patients referred by a provider who has already conducted an in-person assessment in the last year or for providers who are directly prescribing the medication and have already had an in-person assessment in the last year, the limitations on telehealth would not apply.

Particularly, in the rules, the DEA argues medications used to treat OUD are at risk of diversion and misuse, despite evidence that misuse is relatively rare and declining and despite the fact that only about 11% of the population which could benefit from medication assisted treatment (MAT) have access, according to a report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Reasons for limited access are slowly being addressed. Most notably, the “X-Waiver”, a program which limited which prescribers could offer buprenorphine and other MAT and how many patients they could treat. The “X-Waiver” requirements were repealed in Section 1262 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (otherwise known as the Omnibus). Another giant barrier to prescribing MAT is provider stigma. This stigma against people who use drugs (PWUD) often leads to patients having an exceptionally hard time finding a provider willing to help them, when they need it. Years of prescribing limits and the vagueness of the DEA requiring pharmacies to report “suspicious” orders (the DEA does not define what’s constitutes “suspicious”), has also left pharmacies, wholesalers, and distributors exceedingly cautious as not gaining the DEA’s ire. With these proposed rules, the biggest barrier to President Biden’s plan to expand access may be the bureaucracy he enabled as a Senator and Vice President (Politico details more here).

Additionally, some states are attempting to ban access to gender-affirming care; not just for minors but for anyone accessing public payer programs and even attempting to forbid private, commercial plans from offering gender affirming care. While these would not necessarily impact access to care for transgender women seeking out-of-state telehealth, it would adversely affect transgender men because testosterone is a schedule III controlled substance. Thus, under these rules, transgender men would have to have in-person assessment with a provider in order to begin or continue accessing prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. Where this is a bit of a “come uppins” moment for President Biden is in his historical record of championing the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004, making testosterone and anything related to it a controlled substance. The law rose to a certain popularity because of major sports leagues in the United States insufficiently addressing steroid use among professional athletes. The world has changed greatly since then and most, if not all, of those entities have adopted tight controls and regular screenings of athletes (which do need some update to appropriately reflect the endocrinological variety the human species offers). A carve out in the law would allow for the DEA to exempt medications which “does not present any significant potential for abuse.”

Chronic pain patients, disability advocates, harm reduction advocates, and advocates for access to gender-affirming care are sufficiently outraged to see their life-saving care being ripped from the ease of telemedicine. Leo Beletsky, a law professor at Northwestern University said, “The fallout is going to be measured in lives lost.” Dr. Brian Hurley, the president-elect of the American Society of Addiction Medicine said, “I would posit that untreated opioid use disorder is a bigger threat to public safety currently than the risk of diversion.” “forcing people with disabilities who are immunocompromised or high-risk to choose between potential COVID exposure and forgoing vital medications is ableist and dangerous,” said Madeline T. Morcelle of the National Health Law Program. Adult ADHD patients are already fighting a shortage on their medications and providers who will prescribe them. And with the rural health care crisis limiting access to providers for queer people, disabled people, and PWUD, this rule will strip them of the only time they’ve seen their access to care expand in decades.

A bi-partisan, bi-cameral group of legislators have written a letter to the DEA cautioning against these rules and Senators Warren (D-MA) and Ed Markey (D-MA) have also written a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the DEA about de-scheduling testosterone. Neither letter has been answered yet. Orion Rummler of 19th News recently asked for an update and will be following up on the status of a response from the Biden Administration and executive agencies.

With these massive concerns on finding and accessing care, patients may well turn to the black market or grey market to self-manage the life-saving medications they need. This not only defeats the purpose of the DEA’s rules in attempting to prevent diverse by artificially creating a market for illicit trade, it exposes patients to risks of infections, counterfeit medications, and other safety hazards.

Patients should not have to risk their lives and even incarceration in order to access life-saving medications they have readily enjoyed over the last three years. The DEA should engage providers, advocates, and patients more than any other stakeholder from law enforcement to approach promulgation of these rules in a way that aligns with public health instead of carelessly chasing after ways to limit access to life-saving medications.

The proposed rules aim to come into effect in November. The public comment period ends on March 31, 2023. We encourage our partners, including those not directly involved in issues of substance use or production of controlled substances, to comment in support of adjustments to the proposed rules that would maintain telehealth access to care, meet the stated public health goals of the Biden Administration, and, most directly, maintain access to the life-saving medications patients depend upon. The public may submit comments here and here.

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