All Together Now: West Virginia’s HIV Outbreak

On April 5th, 2021, Washington’s “Most Important Man”, Senator Joe Manchin, submitted a Congressional Inquiry to the Centers for Disease Control regarding the well-publicized HIV outbreak in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The CDC has called the West Virginia HIV outbreak “the most concerning” in the United States, with an unprecedented growth in new diagnoses related to intravenous drug use (IDU). For context, in 2018, the county reported just two new HIV diagnoses related to IDU compared to at least thirty-five new diagnoses related to IDU reported in 2020 – New York City, with a population almost forty-five times that of Kanawha County, reported thirty-six new HIV diagnoses related to IDU in 2019.

A. Toni Young, founder and executive director of Community Education Group and Rural Health Services Provider Network, said, “We kinda saw this coming, unfortunately. The state has been facing a Hepatitis C outbreak for years now [related to substance use] and the lack of coordinated response between stakeholders, specifically providers, with different areas of expertise has kept us siloed and limited in our response – we’re approaching this as multiple epidemics rather than a syndemic.”

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the CDC’s Director of HIV Prevention, told a news outlet, “It is possible the current case count represents the tip of the iceberg.” Young echoes this sentiment, “I think we have a state-wide outbreak.” They’re not wrong to believe this outbreak extends across the state, given a 2020 presentation on the Cabell County outbreak, also citing the state’s long fight against opioid use. Though, improvement in the outbreak in Cabell County has already begun, thanks, in large part, to a syringe exchange program – a situation near the mirror opposite of Kanawha County, where a similar county-run program closed its doors in 2018 after city officials and first responders complained about used syringes being improperly disposed of.

Local officials, however, seem steeped in their “moral panic” and rebuffed the CDC’s assessment of the outbreak and requested a federal inquiry into the data provided by the CDC.

While local, volunteer-lead program, Solutions Oriented Addiction Response (SOAR) has stepped in to fill the syringe exchange need, problems have plagued the organization. In January, while under police investigation – which found no wrong-doing on the part of the organization – the program paused operations. During that time, co-founder Sarah Stone, said clients requested bleach in order to clean syringes, even while volunteers advised those same clients such a practice would not guarantee safety.

All while this is transpiring, the state legislature is considering a bill that will significantly impact how syringe services programs operate. SB 334 would give county health departments more freedom to shut down SSPs, require clients provide identification in order to receive services, and require SSPs to obtain a special permit to operate. Opponents of the bill call it a move that may drastically harm community trust and willingness to engage the programs, give leeway to local political pressure as opposed to proven public health interventions, and potentially prevent these community-based programs from operating all together.

Young has a different perspective. “Ok. If this is the way we have to go, show me the data. Let’s use this chance to see exactly how much this move will cost or save the state in terms of all resources – I’m talking money and lives. We cannot forget people’s lives are stake here.” Young goes further and credits the state’s health department operations in their response to COVID-19 as successful – proof the state is able to response appropriately to a public health emergency, when provided enough resources. Young specifically cites resources to include financial of rural hospitals, community-based programming and services, and, rightly, the people-power to enact these services.

In order to meaningfully address the syndemic nature of the state’s situation, Young calls on public health officials and both federal and state legislators to prioritize a holistic, coordinated response to addressing HIV, HCV, SUD, and COVID-19. “Listen, we can do this. It’s just a matter on if we want to do this. We need MAT [medication assisted treatment] providers, addiction services providers, HCV screeners, Ryan White providers, county health departments – all of us need to be at the same table and seeing our clients, our community, as the same people. We cannot split a single person into multiple ‘problems’, we shouldn’t be treating our residents’ needs as if they can be split apart.” Indeed, the National HIV Strategy calls for this type of coordination. “We need an integrated plan – an integrated workgroup,” Young added.

Mirroring a sentiment other advocates have voiced, Young also thinks public health metrics should shift to be more reflective of the client experience, rather than the service provider’s experience, “A referral is not care and it shouldn’t count as care.”

“I’m not gonna sugar-coat this,” Young concluded, “we need money and people and the investment into meaningful, collaborative infrastructure to meet the needs of this community.”

Jen Laws, President & CEO

Jen Laws (Pronouns: He/Him/His) is the President & Founder of Policy Candy, LLC, which is a non-partisan health policy analysis firm specializing in various aspects of health care and public health policy, focusing on the needs of the HIV-affected and Transgender communities. In that capacity, Jen has served as the President & CEO of the Community Access National Network (CANN), beginning in January 2022. He previously served as the Project Director of CANN's HIV/HCV Co-Infection Watch, as well as 340B Policy Consultant.

Jen began his advocacy efforts in Philadelphia in 2005, at the age of 19, coordinating team efforts for a corporation participating in the AIDS Walk. His connection to HIV advocacy grew when partnering with Mr. Friendly, a leading anti-HIV-stigma campaign.

He began working in public health policy in 2013, as a subcontractor for Broward Regional Planning Council evaluating Marketplace plans for plan year 2014, advising and educating constituents on plan selection. Jen was a member of South Florida AIDS Network and has worked with Florida Department of Health, Broward and Miami-Dade County Health Departments, Pride Center South Florida, and other local organizations to South Florida in addressing the concerns and needs of these intersecting communities. During this time, Jen was seated on the board of directors for the ADAP Advocacy Association.

Having moved to the New Orleans area in 2019, Jen resumed his community-based advocacy as the chair of Louisiana's Ending the HIV Epidemic planning subcommittee for Data-based Policy and Advocacy, regular participation as a community member and "do-gooder" with other governmental and non-governmental planning bodies across the Louisiana, and engages with other southern state planning bodies. He continues his advocacy in governmental health care policy evaluation, which has been utilized to expand access to quality healthcare by working with RAD Remedy to deliver the nation's foremost database of trans* competent health care providers. Lending his expertise on policy matters ranging from 340B impact on RW providers and patients to strategic communications and data analysis, Jen's approach to community engagement is focused on being accessible across all stakeholder groups and centering the perspectives of PLWHA and Transgender people. He is a community ambassador alumni of the CDC's Let's Stop HIV Together campaign.

In his personal life, Jen enjoys spending his time being "ridiculously wholesome" with his partner, Aisha, and her two amazing daughters. In their personal time, when not immersed in crafts or house projects, they can be found seeking opportunities to help their neighbors, friends, and community members (who have come to rightfully expect exquisite gift baskets of Aisha's homemade jams and jellies from time to time). Jen strives to set a good example both in his personal professional life of integrating values into action and extending the kindness and care that have led him to a life he calls "extraordinarily lucky".

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